Friday, October 06, 2006

Check it out!

Last week I made a piece for the Missouri Coalition for the Environment. They have an upcoming event called eARThworks:art for an endangered planet. I challenged myself to produce something different and I really stepped out of the box. I was pretty excited about the result which can been seen here.

If you are local, you may want to get tickets for the Gala Auction on Saturday, November 18th. John and I will be there!


  1. Your "lines of communication" is too cool !!!! and to think it's from the garbage!!!! It probably could have been called "trash talking"...hee, hee

  2. That is VERY different for you, MaryBeth! But it's wonderful. It still says "environment" even though it's abstract. Hugs, Shari


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stencilgirlproducts (at) gmail (dot com)