Thursday, April 12, 2007

Venus Envy

I am charged!
Excitement is in the air, electricity pulsing through the building and my veins (or in my case, it's probably caffeine), woo hoo!!!!

We will have lights, music, drinks, art, dancing - all that and more. It will be a wild and crazy blast of inspiring art and entertainment. Just what this city needs to welcome Spring.

So come visit me Friday and Saturday from 7-midnite.
Venus Envy
3016 Locust Street
St. Louis, MO

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:20 AM

    Rick rack attack.
    The new pieces are really terrific, Mary Beth. Venus Envy was great & I am glad I went! Wishing you a most successful weekend, mbs. Don't forget the reversible tights and gloves and FLASH LIGHT for the porta potty! nothin' like peein' in the dark.


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