Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Dream Fancies

I haven't been painting much lately unless you count all the work I've done on my kitchen cabinets. It's been insane around here, just full on craziness 24/7. Oh my goodness, I know people warned me about the disruption of a remodel, but I had no clue. Really.

It is all good though, looking beautiful and I am thrilled about that.

But, in the midst, life intervenes as my Dad has been diagnosed with a malignant lesion on one of his kidneys. He is scheduled for surgery later this week so naturally I am heading to Cincinnati to be with him and my Mom. I feel very positive about the situation because the lesion was found quite early, actually an accidental finding of sorts. So it is sort of a weird blessing if they can remove it without any further issues.

My planned Florida trip is up in the air once again. You may recall last year, at this exact time, I was nursing my s-i-l from surgery and had to cancel my trip. The beach beckons and all I want to do is bask in the sun and listen to the waves crash around me.

I know my relaxation time will come one day. I am not complaining.

Life is so full and so good. I feel blessed to have options and to be able to respond when my family needs me.

1 comment:

  1. "Life is so full and so good."

    Thanks for the much needed reminder from another artist tryign to make her way through the fulll on craziness of things.


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