Monday, December 29, 2008

The holiday continues

Here are some pictures from holiday events of late.  The first one of our perfect(now what would you expect me to say) grandsons working on their gingerbread house.  If you look close you can see icing on Ian's face.  And Aidan has quite the big brother judgment look, doesn't he?  So cute.  These 2 couldn't possibly be any different.  It is delightful to be part of their lives and watch their personalities develop.  Today we will celebrate Christmas with them, yippee!!  

It was our year in Cincinnati, at my parent's house with my siblings and families.  We drove over there last Tuesday which was predicted to be an "ok" weather day, or at least we thought we were well ahead of the predicted bad weather.  W-R-O-N-G.  It basically sleeted the entire drive and what normally takes 6 hours took 12 including several where we just sat on a closed highway as the State of Indiana waited for the temperature to rise above freezing so the salt would work.  I kid you not.  It was utter craziness.  Luckily I had my laptop, knitting, and books which kept me sane.  I don't know how John did it though.  He was a rock (as usual) never losing his cool, and delivered us to my Mom + Dad's house safe and sound.

Christmas morning was fun with three little kiddos - my nieces and nephew (I have 2 other nephews who are older - they are too "mature" to stand longingly in front of the tree, lol).  

Fun times, but I will confess I am soooo anxious to get back in the studio and carve out massive amounts of time time for my pending projects - I feel such a strong emotional and even physical urge to paint, I am guessing this is how an addiction would feel, I don't know.  The goal for today is to be IN the day, not thinking ahead to the next thing.  Luckily the boys are good at keeping me on track.  


  1. cripes, what great pics and you two must be the best grandparents ever...a gingerbread house is a big deal....those boys don't know how lucky they are !!!

    and 12 hours in bad weather with no complaining....YES....john is your rock and needs to bottle some of that and sell it !!!

  2. the photo of your grandsons is utterly priceless! the looks on both those sweet little faces are so adorable. that's just the greatest. and you two with the big dark eyes are gorgeous! i can't look at your husband now without thinking of that dancing elf video though. hee. twelve hours with sleet, too. he's way more cool than an elf! happy new year, mary beth!


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