Monday, January 12, 2009


Very apropos that Misty would select blue as today's color.  I am mainly blue about my art; I am pushing too hard, trying to make things work.  June, you are absolutely right in that I need to just walk away.  Yes.  That is what I will do.  Walk away and when I come back my mind will be clear.  

In other (less whiny) news, the interview went great today.  There were some technical difficulties though and Sheri is unsure whether it recorded or not.  Thanks to those of you who showed up to listen; I really appreciate it!!


  1. Anonymous10:37 AM

    This is the other Sheri again... i really like this A LOT. :)

  2. Anonymous6:24 PM

    oh how i detest days when i feel this way about my art! and they seem to string themselves together, but walking away or getting away for awhile does always help me, sometimes a trip to the library to gather a few art books to bring home helps, too!
    BUT remember this...and say this out loud if you gotta,... I am an awesome artist, and gosh darn it, people love me! you are and they do!


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