Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Is it August already?

I remember when I was a kid the summer seemed so very long. There were times when my brothers and I ran out of stuff to do; we whined aloud about boredom and my mom would literally throw us out of the house, forcing us to summon activity on our own. We usually went down to the creek to mess around with crawdads or would go to a friend's house to annoy someone else's mom. One summer I wrote a neighborhood newsletter, using the mimeograph machine at church to make copies.

I remember beastly hot weather - clothes stuck to my skin made it impossible to sleep at night (we didn't have air conditioning until I was older). I remember riding my banana seat bike with no hands, attempting to look cool by slouching in the seat with my arms handling at my sides. To my friend's house, to see the horses, to the ball field.....and up and down our street, over and over and over.

I remember adults telling me.......just wait till you are older, time will start to fly.

In just a little over a month I'll be at Valley Ridge, then at Squam. These are both new venues for me and I couldn't be more excited about the opportunities. Plus the Midwest/East coast road trip I will make to travel to these classes.

If you're thinking about taking my Claybord class, I've linked up some pics of student work from Artfest so you can see the magic that was created.
Artfest 2008
Artfest 2009
I don't know what it is about Claybord, I just love this stuff and I can't help but get really excited when I teach with it. Such versatility - it is really sturdy (masonite) so you can make stuff, books and shrines, etc. Does not have to be limited to wall hanging art. If you are thinking of taking this class from me, Valley Ridge is the ideal spot. We get 2 whole days, how freakin' cool is that!??!
Click here to sign up, I would love to have you!!


  1. These are gorgeous. Would love to be able to take your workshop.


  2. I found your blog thru Crystal.
    I love your work.

  3. loving the colors and the work as a whole there girl~


If you are entering a GIVEAWAY, please add your email address in the event I need to contact you.

To avoid SPAM, please write it like this:
stencilgirlproducts (at) gmail (dot com)