Monday, March 28, 2011


You know it's my favorite thing. Paint and paper. I can't get enough. Never.

So I'm in JoAnn's (last Friday I had a 25% off total purchase coupon) and I was gathering a few things I needed wanted for Artfest (can you say Woodless pencils, why, I don't know but Tonia has them and she loves them) when I saw this Soy Paint by Delta. It's in that area with the craft paints and these are maybe $2 each. I just bought three colors.

I mixed them with some glaze to extend their drying time and used them with Collagraph plates. Then also randomly painted a few pages. I like the colors a lot. Who knows where the papers will end up. I'm working thinking about working on samples for my Italy gig in 2013. Somehow these colors resonate with me regarding Italy in the Springtime. Like I would know!?!? Having never been there, I have no idea. But I do know there are poppies in the Spring. Doesn't that sound divine? 

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. Never seen soy based paint, they look quite interesting

  2. Love these colours too, use similar ones a lot. That trip in 2013 sounds like a dream event!

  3. Glad you are over the crud and back to experimenting with fun things :) I like just these 3 colors - very appealing.

  4. Not sure what the 'gig' is on Soy Paints. It was the first time I had seen them and this is a 'craft' grade paint although I am not really that picky - I will grab anything that speaks to me :)

  5. I have never heard of Soy based paints either.
    The colors look vibrant!!??
    Thanks for the heads up about them!


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