Saturday, March 05, 2011

Valley Ridge - Open Now

We will make starts and parts - crazy paper and backgrounds, and even a journal. We'll multi-task our way through each day just like I do in my studio. We will dance and eat and laugh as we get to know each other.  It's going to be special. Won't you join me at Valley Ridge?


  1. Sounds wonderful! I will be checking out the classes at Valley Ridge! Thanks for the heads up

  2. Wouldn't I just love to! but it's a long way from eastern Canada. Love these two pieces, the colours and textures make me drool.

  3. I just read about your new book on Seth's blog and just ordered it. I can't wait to see the eye candy and see if there are techniques i don't already know. I have been creating mixed media for years but there are so many mixed media techniques I don't think if books are written from now to eternity if all the techniques could be covered :>)


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