Thursday, May 04, 2006

Like I need more energy

I am frequently asked, "how do you get everything done?" This is the socially acceptable way to ask "are you friggin' nuts?" or "you must be on some good drugs" or "hmm, another manic phase?" Because yeah, I do have a lot of energy and I largely credit genetics (a hearty German background) with my crazed energy level and work ethic.

But on many days I have a secret weapon. My own specially concocted energy elixir.......Ingredients as shown in the picture........plain Kefir, unsweetened Triple berry anti-oxidant juice from TJ's, and magic bee potion. I also add a tiny bit of Sweet 'n' Low because of course I don't want to go overboard on the health thing, ha, ha. And sometimes a little soy protein powder.

This bee stuff is great, or at least I think it is. I realize there is a lot of conflicting research on these things and some people may even be allergic to bee products. But I believe it works for me and therein probably lies the success.

I am using a blend of Royal Jelly, Bee propolis, Bee pollen & ginseng. It comes in the powder form shown and I also have a refrigerated version so you can have a quick swig if you don't have time to mix up a drink. I get the powder at Whole Foods and the liquid version is from Wild Oats.

The only downside is it tastes like dirt. So you either need to hold your nose or mix it up with enough stuff to mask the flavor.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:25 PM

    If I ever visit you, I expect a cocktail! LOL.
    Have you ever tried stevia for sweetener? I'll endeavour to carry a packet or two for the next time I may see you.



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