Sorry for the interruption in programming, good grief I have been buzzing around in about a million different directions lately - writing tons of blog posts in my head, mind you. Yet none of them seem to make it to the page. That being the case, thought I would try something different today and do some free form.....

Tuesday was a near perfect day. My friend Julie (no blog or I would link her up) invited me over to play with encaustics. I have never dabbled in this medium before and oh my do I ever have the bug. LOVE IT. And yeah, I guess I am shouting. I think there might be some encaustics in my future. Here are my first efforts. I know they are not brilliant, but I do like the way they turned out especially considering it was my first try. I reallyreallyreally want to do more of this.
In the meantime, I've been at work in the studio on a commission that is now complete and ready for shipping. I can't show you because the client hasn't seen it yet, plus I couldn't get any decent shots of it for some crazy reason.
Also making lots of new pieces for the upcoming show in St. Joseph, MI - Krasl Art Fair on the Bluff if you happen to live in that area. If you don't live in the area, you might want to plan a road trip as it is adorable and quaint and artsy and, well, the weather is cooler than St. Louis. Although we are having this unbelievable spell of gorgeous sunny yet coolish days that are so rare in these parts.
I am working on the Author Review for my book which is kinda cool. This is when I get to see it all put together for the very first time and it is quite exciting. Plus starting to feel a lot more real. I am even beginning to think about how to promote and launch the book. I really want to travel around and promote it in conjunction with teaching classes, books signings, etc. If anybody out there in blogland has suggestions for me, I would love them. The book comes out in February which will of course be here in the blink of an eye the way things are going lately.
Wishing I could get some more peeps signed up for my classes at
Art Unraveled. I am going into a whine here.....typically I attract a decent crowd, but not so much this time, hmmm, maybe because it's my first time there and people haven't heard of me, I don't know. But I will say that if you have ever thought of doing a class with me, consider it. Small classes make for incredible quality time and I do love that even though a girl's gotta make a living. Or at least this girl does.
And finally, getting ready for all sorts of parties this weekend. Holy moly it will be fun and festive and will involve Pop Rocks (more on that later) - these are early birthday celebrations as I move toward the big Five Oh! Which occurs officially on Wednesday. In case you were wondering.
And, oh yeah, there is a really cute picture of me (yes, I really did just say that but seriously, it was flattering - I was so stunned I even showed it to the cashier at Barnes and Noble, that's what a dork I am) in La Vie Claire magazine. It's part of an article about Elizabeth MacCrellish who runs Squam. There are 2 shots of one of my classes (fall last year). My family always teases me about posing every time I'm within eye shot of a camera. Which of course I did when the film crew showed up in my classroom. Hence the photo of me smiling (while teaching). Good grief. Embarrassing and sweet all at the same time, she says, as she smacks self in head.