I am possessed trying to get everything ready for Artfest. My class is totally ready, (not to worry if you are one of my students!), but this vending thing is killin' me. Why I wait till the last minute I will never know.........
I make and sell art all year long, you all know that from reading my Art Fair tales, but putting together products that I thought would appeal to the Artfest crowd was another thing. I wanted to keep it simple, fresh and reasonably priced. Because if you're like me, money is tight. Plus, marketing to a crowd of fellow artists and crafters is different than marketing to the general public.
Hence my offering of supplies.......the biggie is my "Favorite Things" packets. They are pretty faboo if I do say so myself, packages of vintage wallpaper, topographical maps and player piano music. Yep, definitely my favorite things. And packages of my hand painted papers and tissues. These are still "in the works" shall we say, basically covering about every surface of studio space.
You can see my "Sound Bites" above - wood plaques I collage, paint and doodle up with sayings I use in my work. Fun to make, fun to collect, fun to give. The original abstracts (the ones I am teaching) are peaking out of the bin. On claybord, they can hang in any orientation from their "floating" handmade cradles. And finally, greeting cards and small reproductions will be available.
Just in case you won't be at Artfest, I will start offering products on Etsy once I get back home. So stay tuned.......