Have you been wondering about my exciting news? I am still pinching myself over this one, seems so unbelievable how could it possibly be real? I am teaching in Durfort, France next year, at
La Cascade.
Durfort is a small town southeast from Toulouse; imagine a 17th century house, perched next to a babbling river. Adventures abound - hiking (Roman ruins, anyone?), museums (Toulouse, Goya), markets, and food from our in house chef. And art. There is
always art. I need it to breathe and I know you do too or you wouldn't be reading this.
So, what will I teach, you might ask?
I want to journey back to my roots of collage and painting and writing. I want us to feel the gentle influence of the land, taste the flavors, experience the light and energy of this fabulous location and allow it to guide our art. If we look and listen the roots will grow and sprout a new voice.
Photos of LaCascade courtesy of Dayle Doroshow, published with her permission |
I am limiting the number of students to keep it very small. One of the things I have learned from Valley Ridge is the incredible gift of intimacy. It is a dance really, when one is attempting to earn a living - do I accept a lot of students (ie, more money) or do I keep it small? Well, this time I am keeping it small, very very small.
June 8-15, 2012. $1800 includes lodging, majority of food and class. More details available upon request, shoot me an email or comment if you are seriously interested. I don't plan to do widespread advertising.