Monday, July 25, 2011

Circling round Encaustics

Yes I am mad for Encaustic Painting.

Yes I am mad for circles.

See what happens?

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Summer Studio

You may recall I sublet a studio for the summer. Yes, I do already have a studio in my home, so this is an indulgence to say the least. I felt I needed time away - time to percolate new ideas, push myself in fresh directions. Time when I am not be lulled into laundry and other nagging chores around the house. Time to take risks with my art.
 'My' space is in the back, see the glow coming from the doors? It is part of a larger space, shared by several artists, only one whom I have met thus far. The common workshop (shown here) is filled with power tools and has a fabulous ceiling that allows light (and heat, I might add) to pour into the space.
When you walk through 'my' doors, this is what you see. Swoon, double swoon. I adore this place. So spacious and spare. I brought canvasses, paint, brushes. That is it. Everything else belongs to the true owner of the space, lucky lucky man that he is, painting in Paris for a couple months.
This is where I am working. See those canvasses leaning against the white wall in the back? They are 30x40. Now you see what I mean about size. Of course I am still working 'small', ha, ha as evidenced by the ones on the wall. Big is coming soon though.
It feels so expansive with amazing energy - something I can't quite put my finger on, but it is all good. I'm headed out there right now.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Style File

Check it out HERE. Seth Apter, The Pulse. My art & comment are featured today.
I also returned from Encausticamp today. Geez, still reeling from all the waxy goodness. Even better than the art-making was the comraderie of like-minded people. I was sad leaving. Once I come down from my 'high' I will share some details. But right now I am wallowing with John and the kitties. Ok, maybe that was too much information :)

Friday, July 15, 2011

Wax Portrait

If someone had told me I could paint an encaustic portrait I would have told them they were delusional. Yet here it is.....from my class with Judy Wise.
Is it great? No, not really. But I am still proud and so anxious to try another one.
And oh, did I mention I only used Yellow Ochre, Burnt Sienna, Black & White? Just like the Egyptian Fayum portraits from the 1st century BC. Crazy, huh?
Encausticamp waxes on today when I am in class with Michelle Belto.

Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Experience Mixed Media art in France: announcing La Cascade

Have you been wondering about my exciting news? I am still pinching myself over this one, seems so unbelievable how could it possibly be real? I am teaching in Durfort, France next year, at La Cascade. 
Durfort is a small town southeast from Toulouse; imagine a 17th century house, perched next to a babbling river. Adventures abound - hiking (Roman ruins, anyone?), museums (Toulouse, Goya), markets, and food from our in house chef. And art. There is always art. I need it to breathe and I know you do too or you wouldn't be reading this.

So, what will I teach, you might ask?

I want to journey back to my roots of collage and painting and writing. I want us to feel the gentle influence of the land, taste the flavors, experience the light and energy of this fabulous location and allow it to guide our art. If we look and listen the roots will grow and sprout a new voice.
Photos of LaCascade courtesy of Dayle Doroshow, published with her permission

I am limiting the number of students to keep it very small. One of the things I have learned from Valley Ridge is the incredible gift of intimacy. It is a dance really, when one is attempting to earn a living - do I accept a lot of students (ie, more money) or do I keep it small? Well, this time I am keeping it small, very very small. 

June 8-15, 2012. $1800 includes lodging, majority of food and class. More details available upon request, shoot me an email or comment if you are seriously interested. I don't plan to do widespread advertising.