I am quite excited because it's my first year to participate and I have heard many good things about the past years. This is a year-long worth of online programming for such a good price and my class is a topic near and dear my heart; you won't want to miss it.
So.....if you haven't signed up yet, you will want to click here and immediately take advantage of the early bird pricing.
And guess what? In the meantime, I am happy to share a lovely free video with you.
Kasia and Jamie (the brains & hosts behind Wanderlust) are sharing a free video from 2016 called “Prayer Flags”. This was one of their most popular and loved lessons in 2016 and now they are making it downloadable for everyone for FREE!

Click the link and go to “Free Video” tab. You’ll also learn more about Wanderlust 2018 which is now open for registration at the Early Bird Price of only £79 (approx. $105 USD, €89 EURO, $139 AUD/CAD). Regular price is £99!
Like you I am jazzed about using embossing in my art journal MaryBeth. mrsjetjratyahoodotcom