Friday, November 03, 2006

Great Gulfcoast indeed

This is Pensacola beach, the view from our hotel. It is really fabulous, the sand is so white and fluffy it looks as if it has snowed. And it is a cool here, but not quite that bad and also warming up significantly today, to the upper 60's. Then into the 70's for the rest of our visit.

The second view is what I saw upon waking. Gorgeous. There is nothing so restorative as the water. This is a lovely way to end my season.

The show starts in a couple hours. If you're in the Pensacola area, come see me at the Great Gulfcoast Arts Festival.


  1. You have no idea how much I was there.....with my feet in the sand and the sun on my face and a drink in my hand....oh, life is good under those circumstances !!!!

  2. Maybe no drink in my hand.....even completely sober, I can't type....that first message should have have no idea how much I WISH I was there !!!!

  3. Anonymous3:27 PM

    Yay! MB gets sun, coastline, blue skies, Florida, and again, sun. woooohooo.
    What a way to end the show season!
    Go get 'em, girl.
    Too bad Crystal J. isn't there to share it all with you!

  4. Anonymous3:28 PM

    Yay! MB gets sun, coastline, blue skies, Florida, and again, sun. woooohooo.
    What a way to end the show season!
    Go get 'em, girl. Sell like crazy.

  5. Okay... are you in heaven or something? Was there an accident? No, I'm kidding. But this view is just that - heaven. You lucky girl! You deserve this - it's a perfect cap to an inspiring year.


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