But today was a pretty crappy day. I was very bummed out about this white on white painting; I don't know why it hit me so hard. It's been a long time since I cried over a rejection, and I felt like a big baby, but this was the day. Probably because I am a member of Art Saint Louis and really care about their shows so much. Also because I felt my work was so on point with the topic. The piece was hard for me and I put everything into it. Not that I don't normally do that, but I felt more emotionally invested than usual.
I guess I mainly feel so stupid. Like why do I keep entering these darn shows over and over only to face rejection. Yeah, just kick me again.
I always think I have a fresh chance since it is different jurors every time, for different topics; typically I paint something special like I did this time. But it's been so long since I have gotten into a show. It's embarrassing to me and this was a tough blog to write. I would love for it all to be happy happy but it's not. And despite telling myself this was just one (or two) person's opinion(s); that I am successfully supporting myself with my art; that I have experienced regular recurring success on multiple levels this year.......despite all that stuff....it still sucks big time.
It's ok to feel what you are feeling. At least you are in the game and that is half the battle. It is very disheartening when this happens, but just keep trucking. You are doing it girl, and so many of us are still struggling to get to where you are already. I bet that will get accepted in other shows, so just keep forging ahead.
ReplyDeleteAnd, don't give up. Keep on submitting! xxpatti
Well, HELL! What do they know, anyway? Yea, the feeling is crappy, I know. It happens to us all. But you know WHAT? This piece rocks & it's gonna sell! So they have rejected a winner, in my opinion. And thanks for being honest - it helps those of us struggling out here to do what YOU do! We're all human and we all share these rejections and feelings. You are DA BOMB!
Thanks so much for your post. My submissions were rejected for the Shades of White show too. (Click here to see one of the pieces, "White Box" 36x36, mixed media.)
ReplyDeleteI usually handle this kind of thing and rejection in general pretty well, but I also was very disappointed because I was very proud of these particular pieces and thought they were spot on with the theme. Confusing. Oh well.
Thanks again for your post!