Tuesday, June 03, 2008

I'll have whatever she's having

I don't venture into the political arena on my blog, but I need to say something about Hillary Clinton.  
And it's probably not what you are expecting.    
I want to know what she's ON?????  
And what kind of make up she wears.    
Geez Louise, after campaigning like a maniac for God only knows how many months, she looks better than ever before, perfect make up at all times.  Plus she has some other-worldly energizer bunny thing going on.  Which strikes me as so unusual for a woman who must certainly be menopausal or peri-menopausal.   

OK, rant over.

Check out my Calendar of events in the right-hand sidebar.  LOTS of new events have been added, yikes, I need to get busy, huh?  What am I doing writing this blog anyway!??!      


  1. I think she glows because she is doing what she truly loves!

    Now get back to work!

  2. Anonymous10:14 AM

    Have fun in Chicago this weekend!! Looks like you are going to be BUSY!!!

  3. Ha!
    I recall seeing a news item on her makeup team and 2 hairdressers etc whilst on the campaign trail whilst I was there - it was an uh-huh moment. I think they needed an extra trailker to hold all the makeup and hair products at the time.
    Hope you are well.


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