If you've been paying attention, you will see similarities between this one and the recent one I sold at 4 Bridges.
I wanted to work with the same colors. I'm still trying to make a piece for our family room, so one of these days I may get to keep one. I have to say I really dig these colors plus this hieroglyphic marking thing I have going on right now. I just can't.stop. doing.it.
Go figure.
Each piece is 24x24 on canvas. It's acrylic, collage, molding paste, ink, marker, spray paint.
It needs a name. Ideas? I was thinking about patterns and pixels as I painted, not as the name, but as the subject matter, you know what I mean. That was the theme of the last show I painted for and I can't get it out of my head. The one where I delivered it to the gallery and forgot to shoot it first. With a camera, not a gun. But you knew that. A photo will be forthcoming after Thursday night. Which reminds me.....I need to tell you about the Patterns & Pixels opening and the brand new Art Saint Louis Gallery.....
There's a Preview Party this Thursday night between 5-8pm. I will be attending it if you care to stop by. I need to photograph my piece, ha, but seriously, I also want to see the show and especially the new digs! If you think you might go on Thurs, please rsvp to kate@artstlouis.org
And don't forget the real opening Saturday night from 6-9pm. I'm sure it will be great fun but I'll be in Chicago at 57th Street. Also having great fun, at least I hope.
Patterns and Pixels
555 Washington Blvd, Suite 150
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