Monday, April 09, 2012

Artfest Recap

Look at this great blog post by Regina Lord! She was a student of mine at Artfest, so sweet!! And I really enjoyed seeing the work she made in class. Please don't laugh at me in her photos; I look like I need about a week's worth of sleep, ahem.....what can I say.

Here is more student art. I completely forgot to take pictures the first two days and I have really been kicking myself for such an oversight. The diversity of student work blew my mind and I am thrilled they were able to find their own voice while also learning new things. That is often hard to accomplish.

In other news, there is only ONE opening left in my Wax on Wax off workshop at Valley Ridge. This event is being co-taught with Julie Snidle, (my bff and studio partner) so it is going to be a blast.
Create Chicago is now OPEN for business, yay and Art Unraveled and Art Is....(east & west coast) continue to take signups. But sadly, the Ultimate Mixed Media Cruise has been cancelled. I am completely bummed by this but I guess it just wasn't meant to be. Perhaps another time....
As always, my teaching gigs are indicated in the lefthand sidebar.


  1. oh my sweet and missed riend....
    i wish i could take your class at VR.....but i promised myself none or maybe one class this year and i ended up signing up for flora's class this fall....

    i loved the class i took with you at VR last year ? or was it the year before ? time flies by way too fast :(

    if you are at VR next year and if it includes encaustics...I WILL BE THERE !!!.....xoxo

  2. Wonderful pieces of art by your students!!
    Glad your classes are filling up...that is exciting!
    Sorry about the cruise...I would be bummed too

  3. I'm thinking not only did they have a fun class but you dished out some great tips and techniques. Beautiful

  4. Thank you for the link :) I think you look pretty darn great!


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