Friday, October 15, 2010

Rock It

On the way to Squam I stopped at a Mine. Yep, a real Mine. Thankfully, it was an open Mine, meaning you don't have to go down through a shaft or into caves or anything like that. In fact, it is called the 'mine in the sky' because it is on top of a mountain (of sorts). Anyhoo. I loved it, Ruggles Mine. Big big thanks to my friend Lyle, who told me to stop there.
So.....if you've been reading my blog for awhile, you certainly know how much I love my rocks. I collect them from everywhere and have a dish of rocks in my studio which inspires a lot of my work.
Like here.
And here.
And here. (my river rock stencil) 
Well, I am on another 'rock binge', painting all sorts of geological-referenced things, this time more from a stratum vantage point. Lots more of these pieces in the works, I think you might see this for awhile, hope it doesn't get boring. Obviously it doesn't bore me, tee, hee.......


  1. Looks good to me! I'll be looking forward to more of them to come. I once saw a copper mine in Utah - surreal hole in the earth with huge trucks moving up and down the sides, looking like ants moving on the ground from our vantage point.

  2. While they share a common palette, these decidedly do NOT look like the same painting. Nothing to worry about! TGIF...

  3. you rock! love your version! ruggles mine is fun and the view from the parking lot is amazing!

  4. Anonymous11:08 PM


    I have a message for the webmaster/admin here at

    May I use part of the information from your post right above if I provide a backlink back to your site?


  5. Fabulous!!!

  6. Anonymous6:31 AM

    Gorgeous rockin' rocks!

  7. Love these, the colors are very yummy!!!!

  8. so glad u got to go to the mine!

  9. These are so beautiful, Mary Beth ! Love the inspiration story too.
    Happy Tuesday !

  10. The gorgeous rockin rocks anonymous comment was me.


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