Friday, January 20, 2012

Of magic and hummingbirds

 I first met Jess at Squam a few years ago when she took one of my classes. She is a sweet and gentle soul. We caught up last year at Encausticamp when I was awestruck to watch her capture (and then release) a hummingbird which had flown into a classroom and was completely freaked out. What a magical moment.
I adore this picture and was thrilled to capture it on my phone (!!).

So Jess started this website called Seek Your Course. It is a genius concept whereby she has instructors and classes listed so that students can find courses that match up with their interests. There are individual classes and retreats and the site is growing all the time. Way cool, she is oh-so-smart.
More magic when I saw this review of my book. Oh my sweetness!!! I had no idea this was happening. What a lovely treat!
And I had totally forgotten about this interview I did quite a long time ago. Fun to see these things crop up.
It is Friday. I have had one of those weeks where I feel as though I have accomplishing nothing. Ugh, I hate it when that happens but I am trying to put a better face on it, focusing instead on all the amazing STARTS that I now have in place. Ahem, am I just deluding myself?? Do you guys do that too? Sometimes I wonder if I am just the Queen of Rationalization.
I could use some magic moments right about now so that I can pull it all together.....


  1. my god. the picture.
    please, Please say i can use it? Please?

  2. Oh, Mary Beth! I am so glad to know that you appreciated the posts and it is so sweet to see your words here. You are awesome and so loved featuring you on the site. Thanks for passing along into about it. Hoping to continue inspiring people to take classes and be creative with teachers like you!

  3. How very magical ! A hummingbird in a !My heart is so tickled by this.

    I have made a decision to really, really try and stop beating myself up for what I haven't done, for what I still need to do and also for things I have done in the past. I have realized that this one precious life is flying by and I don't want to spend any more of it knocking myself down.
    I am far from there yet, but man, is life sweeter when we focus on what is right, on what is right now, on what is magical in this very moment. Yes, the crap still hits the fan, and yes, the future dreams and goals are still out there waiting, but in this moment, there is beauty, love, accomplishment, roots, and magic to BE-hold.
    You, bright shiny artist one, know that. ;-)
    Sending you light and love, and magic !

  4. Wow, Mary Beth. Amazing things always happening for you. I am following you now. My blog is more of a journal for myself about projects I am working on.

    I am currently making jewelry for a friend of mine who is opening a boutique in Town and Country- which is keeping me super busy, but I love it- haven't had time to write about it.

    And, I decided to take Oil Painting techniques (this is what I'm writing about now on my blog) at Fontbonne with Victor Wang. this would be the second time I'm taking it, as I have my MFA but I needed what I am calling: 're-certification'.

    The pic on this post is amazing, amazing!!!

    and you are such an inspiration! You inspire me to love craft. And so does Nicole.... congrats on the Visionary award!

    Jennifer Klemp


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