These bottom 2 pictures show the guts of the place. The chair on the right is mine, with my work shirt on back of it. The chair on the left is Merlyn's although the two big black floor cushions(if you look close you can see a part of one of them) are really for the cats.
This is actually a lot fewer tables than I used to have. I have tried to streamline somewhat because I was feeling really overwhelmed by too many tables if you can imagine. I want the top part of the Flat Files to remain a mostly clean surface if possible so I can move to that space to do some layout. The surface is about counter top high for me which is nice because I can stand and work or sit in one of the taller chairs.
At the moment the cream colored table is housing prepped canvasses. The brown table at the back is another standing table space. Finished pieces "rest" there for their Isolation and Varnish coats. That is also where I do my Paste Paper painting and all those supplies are stored underneath the table. The black bookcases contain the bulk of my collage materials.
You might have noticed all the white thingies on top of the tables and there is also a large one on top of the flat files. They are THE BEST!!!! I have no idea what they are called, but it's like a huge hunk of Masonite covered with some waterproof (almost like melamine) substance. John gets them for me at Lowe's or Home Depot. They come in a gigantic size that he has cut into 3rds (or bigger in the case of the flat files) and I use them as portable/disposable work spaces. They are CHEAP, perhaps $12 for the whole sheet; I have probably about 6 of them right now that I am using. They are super easy to clean too.
The space is amazing and just instantly felt better to me. It used to be so much different and I can't imagine why I didn't think of this layout earlier. I want to add some color to the walls, but will need to wait until after my show season is over. Also still need to clean my closet, pull all my large papers from my "file" under the stairs, etc, etc. One of these days I will photograph the "gallery" room, but it is a horrific mess right now and not fit to be seen.
LOVE IT.....and since I've seen the old space in person, I can really appreciate the new space. I can only imagine the "new" wave of energy that this has given you....stand back people...she'll be on fire now !!!!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for posting these! So you work flat all the time? Never on an easel or on the wall? Even with the big canvasses? Do you walk around them or turn them?
ReplyDeleteI'm going to have to look for those "white thingys." Do you know what department he finds them in?