Monday, July 17, 2006

What's a girl to do

Between clothes with paint on them and clothes that don't fit for one reason or another, I have hardly anything to wear. I know some may find this hard to believe, but it is true. I actually have allocated a section of my closet to my art clothes - meaning stuff so stained it shouldn't be worn in public - and this is now the majority of my wardrobe. All this despite the fact I have one of John's old shirts that I wear on top of my clothing. I am clearly a painting pig.


  1. Anonymous12:08 AM

    Laughing uproariously (sp?) cuz I have the same predicament! Inevitably the one clean shirt I have will be tainted with something at the end of a day - paint, ink,'s all fair game! Love your art!

  2. If I were the one writing that note, there'd be a hidden message when you said "don't fit for one reason or another" (sort of like the messagess you hide in your collages?). That hidden message would be that I look too fat in them, for one reason or another.

    I enjoy your blog! However, lately I can't see pictures you post if I use Mozilla-Firefox. Have you changed the way you post pictures in the last couple of weeks? I can see them on Internet Explorer, so maybe it is just my computer.


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