(click to enlarge)
This is the painting I finished over the weekend. It is 24x24, on canvas. It was created to enter an upcoming show at Art Saint Louis, White Washed - Shades of White.
Here is what is says on the prospectus: For “White Washed—Shades of White,” Art Saint Louis seeks artworks that explore our culture’s fascination with concealing physical, psychological, social and/or emotional flaws in an age of pseudo-perfectionism; works that demonstrate cover-ups, variations or degrees of white.
I would complain about the convoluted description except I am on the Program Committee and was involved in selection of the topic. I must have zoned out during the discussion, imagine that, ha!At any rate, here is my piece. It was quite a challenge to paint and create interest with the palette as I have never done this before. There were times when I didn't think it was working. There were also times when I wanted my friend Nancy (who often works in this palette) to simply finish it for me. But the size wigged her out as she's a small format kind of gal.
Anyway, in the final analysis, it was invigorating and y'all know how I love a challenge. I am pretty happy with how it turned out, especially all the embedded meaning, symbolism, etc. that is probably not going to be apparent even from the enlarged view. News stories mainly - Iraq, Scooter Libby, Paris Hilton and others. You can interpret for yourself. And let me know what you think of my first venture into the world of white....
Keep your fingers crossed that it gets picked.
hey chicky! Looks great. You definitely met the challenge! Hope it is selected & I can exhibit it!
ReplyDeleteBring it by the Gallery before fri/sat. & you can see the "Forces of Nature" show, since I don't think you've seen that yet & it won't be up if you deliver fri/sat!
muchas love-as,
Ask me if I LOVE this! The purity, all the textures and the linear quality! And the words! And the...well, heck - it's fantastic! How could this NOT be picked? You're on a roll to be sure.
I want to see this in person. I really like it. Best of luck and focus on the positive. :) it works. Patti