Monday, May 18, 2009

Springfield Old Capitol

What a terrific show and I am not saying that just because I got a prize for "Outstanding Newcomer", although that made it extra nice. It was a great show because the people are super friendly; the show is well run; and the community supports the artists.

I was happy to be there, even though it was a little chilly (that being an understatement, on Saturday it was freeze-your-butt-chilly with a brutal wind to boot) and I found I had packed all the wrong clothes, I swear I am going to start packing fleece no matter what the weather forecast. It was so bad that I wore the same pair of socks three days in a row.

I shot a video that gives you a flavor of the show. It would be nice if I could embed it here, however, I've been working on this for awhile and Mr. Blogger is being a pain in the you know what today, arggghhhh. You can click here to see it on YouTube.

I also met some new artists, including the delightful, Corrine Smith and her hubby Steve. Corrine is also a mixed media abstract person and I lovelovelove her work. You can check it out here.


  1. girl, it's about time you get this midwest weather figured out !!!....always always always one must have fleece, gloves, socks and a scarf in the car !!!

    even in the dead of summer !!!

    and congrats on that award !!!

  2. Hi Mary Beth, I loved seeing your booth set-up. My first craft show was about 30 yr's ago ,ouch, So many things have changed for the good. So much work goes into it. Layout,display,personal space. Looks good.

  3. Mary Beth , ahhhh I need to work on my clay board projects really bad. I have a couple of showings coming up and would love to include them. You are a great inspiration.


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