Tuesday, November 16, 2010

An auspicious day

Birthday card I made for John
Today is my sweetie's birthday. It's a big one. I can't say how many years, but let's just say our health insurance will actually go down cause he starts Medicare. If you can believe, we are actually celebrating that too, haha. Anyway, we are off to party with the family, having a big old fried chicken dinner, yes we are. It will involve gravy (the white kind), need I say more?

So Happy Birthday baby, to my lover and my best friend, my hubby John. He is truly the best man I have ever known. I feel so lucky he is mine. 


  1. awww happy birthday john !
    and i think i know what number it is, but hey, who's counting ?

  2. Happy Birthday to John!!!! I celebrate with you!!

  3. Happy Birthday, John!
    And cool patchwork card. I see what you mean now...

  4. OMG, I want to have my birthday with your family ~ sounds so good.

  5. What a lovely tribute! You are both very lucky. Hope it was a great celebration, white gravy (whatever that is?) and all!

  6. Thumbs up to this one. I love the range of hues here, and central composition.


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