Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Red Rocks

And the rocks continue

Finally. I have some painting time and it is simply mahvelous, dahling. Oh my oh my, I am like a pig wallowing in, well, you know....Except I don't really wallow in the paint, it just looks like it sometimes.
I am moving further along with my rock series. I love finding ways to create texture by poking, prodding, scraping the mediums. Fun!
See the send to last section - the one right before the bottom.....glued some more Mica onto the painting, a process best saved for closer to the end as the beautiful finish dulls down if you get paint on it (you can 'fix it' by gently using alcohol though).
And that red part? Palette knife work.

And psssst, wanna know a secret? I have brand new bouncing baby stencils on the way......you'll be the first to know, so stay tuned.


  1. I'm on a rock binge here lately too....love the texture. Love the colors. I'm beginning to think I may never use other colors again......

  2. this is gorgeous!!! you're so good at creating emotion thru color and texture.

  3. Love the textures and the colors!


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