I had to read my proposal to refresh my memory:
I create mixed media collage paintings using forgotten and discarded photographs, maps, vintage ephemera such as diet books and other paper documents obtained at flea markets and estate sales. The material becomes inspiration for a new piece of art- a layered story merging past and present. I often add a written “caption” for the viewer to contemplate - a phrase from my collection of vintage materials, something remembered from my childhood, or perhaps my own personal commentary. I have found that it doesn’t matter who is pictured or the era involved, we all have more similarities than differences, hence my series is called “Common Denominator.”
For Venus Envy, I will expand on this body of work with a focus solely involving women – themes involving mother/daughter; siblings; body image; relationships; pregnancy; menopause. Wherever the muse may carry me. Although some pieces have previously been completed, it is my intent to offer mainly new work for this event.
I am proposing a grouping of 19 pieces, ranging in size from 6x6 to 24x48. The work will be done on gallery stretched canvasses and hung in a grid configuration per the illustration.

The landscape body is done and available but the others have sold. I don't know if I have any other existing works that address my theme. I'll have to check my inventory tomorrow.
Good thing I'm about finished with the commission cause I suddenly have a lot to do. Delivery is April 1st.
Okey, so that's only eighteen (18) pieces in thirteen (13) days? Good grief girl, no problem for you. Congrats on being accepted.