My studio that is.
Visitors often tell me how neat my studio is. Well, the fact is, if I am having a visitor I usually clean. At the very least, I put supplies back where they belong, unpack the latest shipment from Dick Blick, and organize so that I can see the tops of the tables.
But now it is a friggin' mess. I have been reduced to perhaps a 6 inch square working space. The varnish table is packed with new works. I haven't put the acetate (repro) packaging away so Merlin has grabbed a few and deemed them cat toys. He apparently likes to nosh on the plastic, not to eat but to produce a crunchcrunchcrunch sound which seems to amuse him to no end - OCD cat behavior (akin to a bubblewrap addiction with humans).
The worst part though is you can barely walk because I have a show sort of laid out on the floor. In my planning for Subterranean, I wanted to eyeball exactly how the works would look. This is sort of my pre-show ritual; I like to sketch it (to scale) then do a floor lay-out to see if everything looks good, spacing, colors, etc. That way the hanging goes so much quicker. Of course I always make changes once I am there but at least this is a good starting point. But suffice to say there are about thirty pieces laying all over the floor. Along with my door. A real door in the floor (awesome movie by the way, emotionally charged) although it is not functional. I use it as an extra flat surface and sort of drag it around the studio as necessary. Why it is on the floor at this point I couldn't say as I simply don't remember.
I am at my wit's end with the mess. Today I am going to pack for the next two shows.
Then clean.
our kitty Mabel likes to chew on pastic too. Not eat but to make the sound. I love the way your studio looks!! Messy = work being created!