Yesterday was the Saturday Monday sale and it went very well. Not only did I get some great Xmas gifts (can't say what they are or Michelle won't have a surprise, tee, hee, hee), but I had so much fun hanging out. Especially with my booth buddy Dana who is a riot and makes the most adorable greeting cards I have ever seen. Naturally I broke my own "buying rule" when I HAD to have this fantastic necklace made by PJ, that says "I run with scissors." Hmmm, thanks Beth for helping me spend my money......actually it is just soooo perfect, I love it!!!
Of course a very big thanks to Heidi, newly elevated to Empress status by those who know and love her. http://www.queenfor1day.blogspot.com/. She is definitely the hostess with the mostess. I know she is probably really really tired today but I hope she decides to do this again next year.
My grid walls look terrific if I do say so myself; they were a good purchase as I will be able to use them here at home as a small display area too. Many people had a bigger area but I was happy with this diminutive (!) display and it served me well. By the way, thanks also to Marian (my official event photographer!) for the pic. It is indeed colorful.
The new greeting cards were a big hit and the repros did well too; you can see "The Perfect Purse" hanging just above my shoulder. It features my 3 favorite perfect purse collages, all reproduced on one ribbon hanging piece. The little baby repros were also well received, so I think they will be nice offerings for the holiday shows.
Now, moving onward. I need to plan my strategy for Subterranean which we hang on Wed. John took measurements yesterday as he was uncomfortable with my "eyeball" measurements, gee, I wonder why.......then I need to re-work my inventory for the Independent Art Market (note Eric's VERY cool poster hanging on the left side of my booth, he soooooo rocks).
Plus make some new art. My fingers are itching.
your booth,your fabulous art and wonderful you,were a feast for the eyes...it was a pleasure to meet john!glad you did well and i,too,look forward to next year!